Anabela Becho’s PhD research project ‘Suspending Time in Fashion: On Grès Contemplating Dress and Glimpses of the Sublime’, in progress since 2016 (FCT/CIAUD), is included in the line of research The Pattern & The Perception Of Beauty. The aim of this project is to develop a research body around the relationship between fashion and the notion of time, and more specifically the idea of suspending time in fashion. A distinct focus will be given to the presence of fashion in the museum, and to what in the public displaying of garments can contribute to this suspension—consequently, it is expected that a new phenomenological and aesthetical apprehension of the fashion object will emerge. The project focuses on Madame Grès’s body of work, as a pertinent corpus that is companionable with this hypothesis of temporal adjournment. Ostensibly the cardinal embodiment of the ephemeral, fashion disavows its professed impermanence the moment it enters the museum as a contemplation object. In a dazzling sleight of hand, a fleeting moment, fashion seems to arrest time, offering a glimpse of eternity and the sublime. And it is precisely this moment of temporal suspension — possible amidst written words, in an item of clothing or in an exhibition — that is the locus of the tendered project.